Review Policy

At IAMAGEEKINGGINGER!, I mostly read and review books that I already own or have borrowed. However I am happy to get requests to read and review books from publishers and authors.
Any books I receive from will be looked after by myself and no ARCs will be sold. They will either be donated after they are released or will find a little space on my bookshelf. Unless, of course, it requested by yourself to pass the book on in a giveaway.

Genres I enjoy reading: Crime fiction; Science fiction; Dystopia; Contemporary fiction;Young adult; Fantasy; Romance
Genres I don't enjoy reading: Erotica; Women's fiction; Religious literature

Every review that I do contains the following, All publishing details, a summery of the book that can usually be found on Goodreads or Amazon, my thoughts on the book and then my rating system which is as follows:
1* - I really disliked it.
2* - I disliked it.
3* - It was good.
4* - It was amazing.
5* - It was practically perfect!

A small disclosure, I read for my own enjoyment so my aim is not to write a critical analysis on the text. I am not a professional reviewer; I am merely a blogger. Also my reviews are entirely subjective. They are my thoughts and opinions about the text. Nothing is analysed unless it is stated at the start of the review.

I'm happy to accept all form of books as long as I'm contacted directly. If you wish to do so then please contact my through the following email address:  


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